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  • Is Hijama (Wet Cupping) sunnah?
    Hijama (Cupping) is a Sunnah and a medical treatment as performed by our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Hijama Therapy is vastly beneficial to all humen beings and if it was not , The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) would not have recommended it to the Ummah. He placed such high importance on it that he advised the Sahaba to use it as a "cure for them" The Messenger (ﷺ) said, "Indeed the best of remedies you have is cupping (Hijama). "[Sahih Al-Bukhari (5371)]. Hijama, in its different forms, are practised in other parts of the world, like: The Middle East, Egypt, Iran, China, America, Europe and Africa. It can be performed almost anywhere on the body. Most of the modern science approves this therapy for treating many ailments and endorses its benefits.
  • What is Hijama (Wet Cupping)?
    Hijama” in Arabic literally means, “to suck” and to, “return to a normal state” of internal balance. It ultimately helps the body to create a balanced healthy alkaline environment by removing acidity. It is a safe and non-invasive procedure, that can not only cure many diseases, but also prevent them. It has no side effects, if perform properly. Hijama fixes all problems which the body has, by bringing it to its normal state. Hijama is a holistic, super-powerful detox, which removes toxics and stagnant blood from the body. It expels negative, unhealthy elements from the body, and allows it to replenish itself.
  • What are the different types of Cupping methods?
    Many different types of cupping methods are used these days, like the: Dry Cupping, Moving Cupping, Bamboo Cupping, Needle Cupping, Hot Needle Cupping, Flash Cupping, Fire Cupping, Wet Cupping (Hijama), Herbal Cupping and Water Cupping. Traditionally, cups were made of glass, horn, metals, plastic or even bamboo.
  • What types of therapies does Holistic Hijama provide?
    At Holistic Hijama & Cupping Therapy, we provide three main types of Cupping services to our patients for their wellbeing: 1. Dry cupping: Cupping therapy is the name of the actual procedure itself, in which, a vacuum is created in a cup and placed on the skin. This vacuum causes a negative pressure and pulls the muscles into the cup and therefore, draws the blood to the cupped area. This is known as, “dry cupping” Cupping should not be performed on areas of skin that have open wounds. Dry cupping can be performed at any time, on any day, and the cups can be left with suction on any part of the body for 10-15 minutes. Numerous cups can be applied at any one time depending on the health conditions. Dry cupping remarkably relieves pain and inflammation, as cupping relieves congestion and allows blood to flow easily. Intensity levels (of the suction) of the cups can be adjusted. Dry cupping does not involve any cutting of the skin. 1. Hijama (Wet Cupping): Wet Cupping (Hijama), requires small superficial cuts no deeper than the top layer of the dermis. With the negative pressure of the cup, the skin will break allowing us to remove the dead blood cells and toxins. Hijama gives you all the benefits dry cupping gives and much more. Known to help relieve body pain, inflammation, migraines, headaches, fatigue, high blood pressure, detoxification of the blood and an improved blood circulation. 2. Moving/Massage Cupping: Moving cupping is performed using a generous amount of oil (black seed, olive, organic coconut and other organic essential oils) applied to the area to be massaged (usually on the back). The cup is placed onto the skin using a light tension and can then be moved over the skin with a sliding motion, in circular/long movements. Moving cupping can be performed at any time, on any day and for however long the patient desires. Massage cupping does not require the patient to have an empty stomach.
  • What are the most common benefits one can obtain through Hijama (Cupping)?
    Hijama is an integral part of Islamic Medicine. It is a safe and non-invasive procedure that can not only cure many diseases but also prevent them. The suction and negative pressure provided by the cupping on the body can loosen muscles and encourage blood flow, allowing your body to feel relaxed and at ease. This fixes any problem that the body has, by bringing it to its normal state. Hijama Cupping therapy is a holistic, super-powerful detox that removes toxins and stagnant blood from the body. It expels negative, unhealthy elements from the body, and allows it to replenish itself. Hijama (Cupping) offers a wide variety of benefits, a few of which are · Builds up the body’s natural resistance to illnesses · Fastens Pain Relief · Improves General Health of the body · Allows elimination of substances that cause pain · Reduces the appearance of scars, pimples, wrinkles, puffiness and fine lines · Boosts Blood Circulation · Improves the Immune System · Relieves Digestive Problems · Gets Rid of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome · Detoxifies the Body · Purifies the Blood · Prevents Hair Fall · Re-grows Hair · Sharpens the Eyesight · Improves Memory · Enhances Intellect · Keeps the Skin Healthy · Fastens healing · Reduces Stress and Anxiety · Reduces depression & sadness by releasing chemicals in the brain · Improves physical & mental health conditions · Removes poison from bites · Allows tissues to release toxins and removes toxin through surface of the skin (detox) · Improves Blood flow & lymph flow to the corresponding organ & activates its function · Relieves muscles spasms, hardening or stiffness of muscular tissue · Benefits muscular pains by relaxing spastic muscle fibres · Reduces unwanted side effects of drugs, removes their residue and reduces the risk of drug toxicity
  • How does Hijama (Wet Cupping) work?
    Hijama Cupping Therapy is a very fast and an effective way, to release the build-up of toxins from the body. Hijama Cupping Therapy has proven to provide positive results for most ailments and is a very powerful and a natural practise that is becoming very popular. The therapeutic process involves the application of cups on various points of the body. A negative pressure (suction) is then created by using a hand pump. This is then followed by applying small, superficial scratches or incisions onto the same location of the body. This is performed by using a sterile surgical instrument that is disposable. The cups are then re-applied, and suction is applied again. The toxic blood is gradually drawn out and is later disposed of clinically. The aim of Hijama, is to extract the stagnated and/or the congested blood from numerous and specific locations around your body. The theory is, that this blood, slows down the delivery of much needed oxygen, minerals, electrolytes, vitamins, enzymes, immune system cells & antibodies to your cells, tissues and organs. With stagnated or congested blood present in the body, cells, tissues and organs cannot function at their best, they become weak, inefficient and get overcome by bacteria and infections. The Prophet (ﷺ) said: “The best remedies you have is Cupping (Hijama) [Sahih Bukhari Hadith No:5371] and another narration Prophet (ﷺ) said: “Indeed in cupping, there is a cure.” [Saheeh Muslim, 5706]
  • Difference Between Hijama (Wet Cupping) and Dry Cupping
    Cupping therapy is the name of the actual procedure itself. Both Dry and Wet Cupping treatments involve small cups, which are placed on the skin. A vacuum is formed, to create negative pressure and negative suction. Dry cupping involves the suction of the skin into the cup, it does not involve any cutting of the skin. The cups create a vacuum, drawing the blood to the surface of the skin, however it doesn’t extract any blood, this procedure eliminates stiffness, reduces pain and creates a healthy blood flow circulation. Wet Cupping (Hijama), requires small superficial cuts, no deeper than the top layer of the dermis. With the negative pressure of the cup, the skin will break, allowing us to remove the dead blood cells and toxins. Wet cupping is much more beneficial than the dry cupping. It is known to help relieve body pain, inflammation, migraines, headaches, fatigue, high blood pressure, detoxification the blood and improved blood circulation. Hijama, is copying the cupping treatment as exactly performed by our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
  • Is Hijama (Cupping) Therapy similar to donating blood?
    No, Hijama(wet cupping) is not similar to donating blood. Hijama removes the toxic blood which lies just beneath the skin. In Hijama, blood is not drawn from the veins, whereas, in blood donation, healthy blood is drawn from the veins. Blood donations are transfused to patients to treat them with medical ailments, such as: Anaemia, cancer, blood disorders and/or patients who are undergoing surgery. The blood drawn during hijama is toxic, is in the form of clots, is not suitable for transfusion and is disposed of. That is why one feels energetic and fresh after a hijama session.
  • What instruments do you use?
    At Holistic Hijama & Cupping Therapy, we maintain the highest standards of hygiene, health and safety. We provide a highly clean and sanitized practice: The client’s treatment areas are disinfected before and after each session, the treatment table’s disposable covers are replaced for every client, all contaminated surgical equipment is disposable and is disposed of immediately, this includes: Surgical blades, surgical cups with or without blood, tissues, practitioner’s gloves, face mask and apron, to provide the best possible remedies to our clients.
  • Are your qualified practitioners?
    At Holistic Hijama & Cupping Therapy, both of our male and female practitioners have qualifications from The International Institute for Complementary Therapists, Australia and are experienced professionals. The centre is fully insured and is registered with The International Institute for Complementary Therapists, Australia. We are trained and certified by UK based Quantum Training Academy (UK) and by Australia based Cura Co (Australia) & The Art of Touch (Australia) also registered members of The Australian “International Institute for Complementary Therapists” (IICT).
  • How many sessions will I need?
    It may depands on individual needs and health conditions. It is also determined based on individual assesment/consultation. Some may need only one and others may need multiple sessions. The person who have chronic diseases may need more sessions. Cupping is not only used for ailments and diseases, but also can be used as a great preventative, Hijama detoxify and cleanse the body and it purifies the blood as well as boost the immune system.
  • Do you have separate Female Hijama practioner for female ?
    Yes, we have separate Female therapists for female only. Female clients are treated by the Female practitioner and vice versa. We strictly maintain this, and we consider it is our duty to protect the privacy of our clients.
  • Do you treat under 18’s?
    No, we provide Hijama cupping service to adults only, which means, that they must be 18 or over.
  • Who is not suitable for Hijama at Holistic Hijama?
    Our clients must be 18 or over. Our clients must be under 70 depends on individual body condition. People using any kinds of blood thinning or Anti-Clotting medication, some examples are: Aspirin, Rivaroxaban (Xarelto), Dabigatran (Pradaxa), Apixaban (Eliquis), Heparin (various), Warfarin (Coumadin). We recommend to wait minimum 48hours whoever taking those medicines prior hijama session. Pregnant women & women who are Breast feeding (during and 6 months after feeding ceased) People recovering from surgery. People suffering from a lack of red blood cells (Anemia) People with a history of Cancer, Diabetes, Heart attacks and Asthma attacks.
  • Who should avoid Hijama or Cupping Therapy?
    Hijama (cupping) therapy is a safe and a non-invasive procedure, but hijama is not recommended to the clients who have/are: Pregnant, blood disorders like haemophilia, leukemia and hyperbilirubinemia, need blood transfusions, recently undergone a surgery, low platelet count and anaemic. However, dry cupping is beneficial for such patients.
  • How long does a session usually takes?
    It depends on which treatment/services you choose. It depends on the individual needs and health conditions. Hijama Cupping Therapy can take between 30 to 75 minutes. Quick hint on a few of our services along with the approximate session time: Basic Hijama (Wet Cupping) 30 mins Full Back - Hijama (Wet Cupping) 30-45 mins Head Only - Hijama (Wet Cupping) 30-45 mins Facial Cupping (Hijama) - 30-45 mins Knee Hijama (Wet Cupping) 30-45 mins Advanced Hijama (Wet Cupping 45-60 mins Vital Organ Detox (VOD) 45-60 mins Fibromyalgia Cupping 45-60 mins Dry Cupping 30 mins. Massage Cupping (For Men Only) 30 mins. Acupressure (For Men Only) 30 mins.
  • What should I do before coming to a Hijama Session?
    Please have a look at the advice given on our care page. (Preparation for Hijama guideline)
  • Should I fast before coming to a Hijama Session?
    Yes, it is essential to fast (food only) for at least 2-3 hours before a Hijama session. Drinking plenty of water is highly recommended. Hazrat Ibn Umar (RA) reported that the Messenger (ﷺ) said, “Cupping (Hijama) on an empty stomach is the best. In it is a cure and a blessing. It improves the intellect and the memory. It improves the memory of the one memorising.” [Sunan-Ibn-Maajah Hadith No: 3487 & 3488]
  • How often should I do Hijama Cupping?
    It depands on the individul needs and health conditions. People like to have a treatment every month, every three month, six months or once in a year. The optimal frequency for cleansing one's body is once in every 4 to 6 weeks to eliminate acidic toxic wastes and to take care of own health. When acidic toxic wastes accumulate in our body, we can feel tired, sluggish or fatigue. Sources of toxic waste includ the polluted air we breath, toxic chemicals found in our food and water, intoxicating drinks, narcotic drugs, junk food and smoaking. Hijama helps detoxify and cleanse the body and it purifies the blood. Healthy Blood equals Healthy Living.
  • Does Hijama (Cupping) Therapy hurt or is it painful?
    Hijama (Cupping) therapy is a natural and drugless procedure. It does not hurt, but it does tickle, some clients feel slight tightness inside and around the cups, while some clients say it is similar to a flick, like that, of an elastic rubber band. Having served/treated numerous clients, we have yet to find, even a single client, who wasn’t able to bear the pain or discomfort during and/or after his/her procedure. However, the experience may defer from person to person. Our Hijama therapists will guide you through the complete process before the procedure.
  • Do we re-use the cups & blades?
    No, for the health and safety and for the hygiene of our clients, “Holistic Hijama & Cupping Therapy” uses brand-new, disposable equipment for each treatment and once done, the used equipment is disposed of through a special (hazardous medical waste collection/management) company.
  • Can I bring my own cups or blades?
    No, to maintain the highest possible standards of health & safety and hygiene of our clients, at “Holistic Hijama & Cupping Therapy” we only use our own brand-new, disposable equipment for each treatment and once done, the used equipment is disposed of through a special (hazardous waste collection/management) company.
  • What are the SUNNAH DAYS for Hijama?
    The​ ​Sunnah​ ​days​ ​for​ ​ Hijama (cupping) are the 17th, 19th and 21st of the Islamic lunar month, which coincide with Monday, Tuesday or Thursday, these​ ​are​ ​the​ ​best​ ​and​ ​most​ ​beneficial​ ​days​ ​for​ ​cupping. However, the treatment​ is also beneficial on the ​other days of the month. Sunnah​ ​Days​ ​are​ ​preferred​​, ​but​ ​are​ ​not​ ​mandatory. ​ Hazrat Abu Hurairah (RA) reported that the Messenger (PBUH) said, “Whoever performs cupping (Hijama) on the 17th, 19th or 21st day (of the Islamic, lunar month), then it is a cure for every disease.” [Sunan Abu Dawud (3861)]. · مَنِ احْتَجَمَ لِسَبْعَ عَشْرَةَ وَتِسْعَ عَشْرَةَ وَإِحْدَى وَعِشْرِينَ كَانَ شِفَاءً مِنْ كُلِّ دَاءٍ Hazrat Anas ibn Maalik (RA) reported that the Messenger (ﷺ) said, “Whoever wants to perform Hijama (cupping), then let him search for the 17th, 19th and 21st day (of the Islamic lunar month) and let none of you allow his blood to rage (boil) such that it kills him.” [Sahih Sunan ibn Maajah (3486)]. · مَنْ أَرَادَ الْحِجَامَةَ فَلْيَتَحَرَّ سَبْعَةَ عَشَرَ أَوْ تِسْعَةَ عَشَرَ أَوْ إِحْدَى وَعِشْرِينَ وَلاَ يَتَبَيَّغْ بِأَحَدِكُمُ الدَّمُ فَيَقْتُلَهُ Note: The Islamin cycle (Lunar calander) of a day begains with the settings of the sun (Not the rising). The Islamic day starts at Maghrib the date before and ends at the Maghrib on the day itself (sunset).
  • How much do you charge for Hijama services?
    Quick hint on a few of our services along with the approximate session time and charges: Basic Hijama (Wet Cupping) 30 mins: $70 Full Back - Hijama (Wet Cupping) 30-45 mins: $100/$120 Head Only - Hijama (Wet Cupping) 30-45 mins: $100 Facial Cupping (Hijama) - 30-45 mins: $100 Knee Hijama (Wet Cupping) 30-45 mins: $120 Advanced Hijama (Wet Cupping 45-60 mins: $120 - $200 Vital Organ Detox (VOD) 45-60 mins: $150 Fibromyalgia Cupping 45-60 mins: $200 Dry Cupping 30 mins. $70 Massage Cupping (For Men Only) 30 mins: $70 Acupressure (For Men Only) 30 mins: $70 Please refer to our Price List page for more details.
  • Are there any side effects of Hijama Cupping Therapy?
    Hijama (Cupping) therapy is a natural and drugless procedure. It is a safe and a non-invasive procedure that can not only cure many diseases but also prevent them. Most of our clients experience a relaxing sensation after session. As the skin is pulled up by the suction, from the cups, the tiny capillaries, under the surface of the skin, tend to expand and when the cups are removed, the clients usually notice a circular bruise accompanied a small amount of swelling. However, these small bruises are not painful, and they mostly disappear after a few days.
  • How Will I Feel After Wet Cupping?
    This is a summary, of how our clients (describe their thoughts after the treatment) feel: Physically energetic, calm/relaxed (as in their moods) and mentally alert. The clients also mention that the stiffness/soreness of the muscles is gone.
  • What Is the Purpose of Drawing the Blood?
    Hijama aims to clear the toxins through the microcirculatory system. The body eliminates its faeces/urine through: Digestion, excretion, breathing and/or sweating, however, none of these body functions allow the dead blood cells and toxins to excrete through our body. Hijama is the only procedure, through which, the toxic blood (with the dead blood cells and toxins) can be removed.
  • How Much Blood Is Drawn/Taken During the Hijama Wet Cupping Process?
    During Hijama (Cupping), we generally draw a maximum of 470ml of blood, regardless of the number of points or cups applied, when we reach this limit, we usually stop drawing further blood. Most clients wouldn’t need to give more than 470 ml of blood, the average amount of blood drawn ranges between 200 to 300ml. If more treatment is required, we recommend our clients, to come back for another session, in 4 to 6 weeks.
  • How Long Do the Cupping Marks Last For?
    Depending on the levels of toxins in an area, the cupping marks can last from 3 days to 2 weeks. Darker spots are the indication of inflammation and can take longer to disappear. The colour of the marks usually ranges from bright red to a darker purple. Darker colouring is the indication of a high level of toxins and stagnation in the section of the body. It takes up to 2-3 weeks for these marks to fade away.
  • Do the Incisions Hurt for Wet Cupping?
    No. You may feel a tickle when the skin is tapped with a sterile blade. The negative pressure of the cups numbs the surface of the skin for 5-10 seconds, allowing the therapist to create tiny incisions before putting the negative pressure back on.
  • How Deep Do We Go with Our Incisions?
    The incisions are very minor. There are 3 main layers in our skin. Wet Cupping (Hijama), requires small superficial cuts no deeper than the top layer of the dermis. The dermis is where the capillaries start, and it is the capillaries that a therapist needs to bleed. After the incisions, the cups are put on those areas and the negative pressure of the cup ruptures the skins letting the blood to come out. A sterile single-use surgical blade is used for the cuts and it does not leave any scar on your skin as we don’t go deep.
  • Do the Areas That Have the Incisions Need to Bandage Afterwards?
    No, these incisions are not wounds and therefore, no bandage is required. The bleeding immediately ends when the negative pressure is taken off.
  • How Can Hijama Help with My Skin Conditions E.g. Pimples, Acne, Rashes go away?
    Many patients get a glow/freshness to their skin. The skin is the largest organ of the body, it is a functional system for eliminating waste through the oil and sweat glands, if the skin is malnourished, it will develop pimples, acne and rashes. Toxic substances become clogged and trigger irritation and inflammation. By boosting blood flow and by letting fresh blood cells to flow to affected areas, we can: Eradicate the toxins, decrease stagnation and deliver new oxygen to the skin.
  • Do I Have to Shave My Hair to Get Head Cups?
    Yes, for the Men. Shaving hair is required for men to get the best results. It is not required for women. Holistic Hijama uses a machine to assist with the negative suction, to hold on to the long hair depend on individual.
  • How Can Hijama Help with High Blood Pressure?
    The negative suction pressure given by the cupping, on the surface on the body, loosens muscles, improves blood circulation and soothes the nervous system, which makes Hijama an excellent rededy for high blood pressure.
  • Will Hijama Help with Muscle Tension?
    Definitely! Hijama (Wet Cuooing) is a very efficient/calming treatment to the central nervous system, pain, muscle tention and muscle spasms. Hijama helps to ease stiffness, ease tense muscles and relieves your tissues. Cupping therapy produces heat that goes through the injured region, making your body healthy and relaxed. Most clients report immediate relief of muscle tightness, while others report that they felt, as if the pain melted away under the cups!
  • Can I Resume Normal Activities After Hijama?
    Yes, you can resume your routine/normal/regular activities, however, we advise our clients to avoid any: Extreme exercise and/or excessive labour/physical activities for 24 hours. We also advise our clients to refrain from taking a bath, for at least 24 hours, after the Hijama session.
  • Why Should I Fast Before Hijama Wet Cupping?
    Firstly, it is the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to fast before Hijama. Hazrat Ibn Umar (RA) reported that the Messenger (ﷺ) said, “Cupping (hijama) on an empty stomach is best. In it is a cure and a blessing. It improves the intellect and the memory. It improves the memory of the one memorising …” [Sunan-Ibn-Maajah Hadith No: 3487 & 3488]. Secondly, without food, our body attempts to redirect the blood from its digestive tract to other cellular structures, particularly areas in need of restoring. Fasting also allows the movement of cholesterol deposits that line up against the walls of our blood vessels, therefore fasting helps the Hijama procedure, in removing cholesterol and the other toxins from our body. We recommend, that our clients fast (Food only) for only 2-3 hours before the therapy and that they drink plenty of water. When we are not fasting, our body increases the blood flow to its digestive system, via the superior mesenteric artery, to assist in the digestive process, resulting in lesser blood supply to the cupping areas.
  • What is facial cupping?
    The facial cupping (Hijama) is inexpensive and a non-invasive procedure, which serves as a safe alternative to surgery and/or to various chemical treatments. Facial cupping uses small, specially designed suction cups to lift and massage facial tissue. Facial cupping is softer or lighter than body cupping. Facial cups generally pull the skin from the deeper layers within the fascia to increase the blood flow to the affected area and improve the skin condition. Facial Hijama helps to improve your complexion and reduces the appearance of scars, acnes, pimples, wrinkles, puffiness and fine lines. It helps to tone/relax: Your chin, neck, jawline, muscle tension, sinus congestion and facial rejuvenation.
  • What are the Benefits of Facial Cupping?
    Everyone wants to look beautiful. Your skin deserves a solution that works, one that’s affordable and one that can help rejuvenate your face. Facial cupping brightens your skin and reduces the appearance of scars, wrinkles, and fine lines. It helps to tone your chin, neck, and jawline. Increased oxygen-rich blood circulation strengthens the skin & connective tissue as well as improving the reach & efficacy of skincare products. Facial cupping offers a wide variety of benefits, a few of which are: Ø Improve blood and oxygen circulation to the face Ø Strengthened Skin & Connective tissue Ø Brightens of the complexion Ø Stimulated fibroblast cells responsible for collagen and elasticity production Ø Visibly reduced fine lines and wrinkles Ø Toned chin, jawline, neck & décolletage Ø Increased depth & efficacy of skincare products Ø Reduced scars, pimples, acnes, excess oil & pore size Ø Improved product absorption & nutrient delivery to the skin Ø Reduction in sinus congestion Ø Release of muscle tension Ø Strengthen facial tissues Ø Reduced puffiness Ø Reduce the appearance of age spots Counteract the effects of aging. Avoid costly plastic surgery. Increase oxygen-rich blood circulation. Reduce scars and pore size. Improve product absorption and nutrient delivery. There are so many reasons why facial cupping is beneficial.
  • What is the Difference Between Body Cupping and Facial Cupping?
    In practice, there are many similarities between body cupping and facial cupping. Both therapies are based on the same principle, but they are executed differently. Facial cupping is softer or lighter than body cupping. Facial cups generally pull the skin from deeper layers within the fascia to increase the blood flow to the affected area and improve the skin condition. The process usually doesn’t leave cup marks behind. Facial Hijama helps to improve your complexion and reduce wrinkles, acnes, pimples and fine lines. Body cupping is mainly used to relieve pains and aches. A person who undergoes body capping will often end with cup marks on the treated skin area. The marks show the amount of cellular waste build-up or "stagnation" on the skin. As the lymphatic system clears away the waste, these cup marks gradually disappear.
  • Does facial cupping really work?
    Facial cupping promotes blood circulation, which minimizes the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and puffiness. Facial cupping also reduces scars, acnes, pimples and dry skin. When it comes to rejuvenation, cupping therapy for the face is very beneficial. Above all, it is a procedure that works for you and is affordable!

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