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The Science Behind Cupping


Syrian medical team proves Hijama (Cupping) role in curing incurable diseases Syria, Health, 8/18/2001

In 2001, prepared under the supervision of Dr. M. Nabeel Al-Shareef, formerly Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Damascus University, Syria. The study was performed by applying scientific methods. The research included 300 (cupped persons) cases which have been studied by a laboratory medical team and a clinical medical team. The laboratory performed a blood study on (330) cupped persons. According to the above research outcome, Hijama/Cupping improves our overall body function in the following areas: • Boost up the Blood function. • Decrease to normal limits in ESR. • Moderation in the red corpuscles count (RBC). • In all cases of polycythaemia (Erythraemia), the value of haemoglobin decreased to its normal limit. • In all cases of low haemoglobin, its value increased to the normal limit. This denotes an activity in the body and a growth in its ability in producing benign young red corpuscles which help in more active and effective transporting of oxygen. • In 60% of the cases (cupped persons), there was a rise in leukocytes count within normal limits. • The count of leukocytes increased in 71,4% of cases of rheumatic diseases. This explains the instant recovery of the rheumatic patients and those who suffer from chronic inflammations after they use cupping. • Neutrophils count increased within normal limits in 100% of cases of rheumatic diseases. • In 83,3% of cases of asthma, the neutrophils count increased within normal limits. • Neutrophils count fall to normal limits in all cases of abnormal neutrophilia. • In cases of heart diseases, the neutrophils count fell to normal limits in the rate of 76,9% of the cases. • Rise in thrombocytes count in 50,6% of the cases. • In all cases of thrombocytopenia, the count of thrombocytes became normal. • In 50% of cases of essential thrombocytosis, the count decreased to normal limits. • The red blood cells in the cupping blood withdrawn from the upper part of the back were all of abnormal shapes: Hypochromia – Burr – Target – Crenated – Spherocytes – Poikilocytoses – Anisocytosis – Schistocytes – Teardrop cells – Acanthocytes. • The leukocytes count in the cupping blood did not come to one tenth of their count in the venous blood. This • indicates that the cupping operation keeps the components of immunity system in the body. • In 66% of the cases, there was an increase in the iron level within its normal limits. • (T.I.B.C.) was very high in the cupping blood where it varied between (422) and (1057) while in the venous blood it ranges between (250) to (400). This indicates that there is a mechanism which prevents iron from getting out of the cupping scratches retaining it inside the body so as to take part in building new blood cells. This is possibly associated with an activity in the process of iron absorption in the intestines.

Significant Improvement in Liver functions

• 80% of cases of high level of the liver Enzyme (SGPT) showed falling in it. This indicates that the liver has been activated after performing cupping • SGOT (a liver Enzyme) became lower in 80% of cases of patients having a high level of it. his explains the improvement that the electrocardiogram showed. • Alkaline phosphate (a liver enzyme) decreased in 62,85 % of the cases where it was high. • The amylase level in blood became lower in 54,9 % of the cases. • In all cases of a high value of albumin in the blood, the value returned to its normal limit.

Great Effects on Kidney functions and Blood Glucose Level

• Creatinine value in blood decreased in 66,66 % of the cases. • The quantity of creatinine contained in the cupping blood was high in all cases. • 78,57% of patients having a high level of creatinine in blood showed a decrease in it. • The value of uric acid in blood fell in 66,66 % of the cases. • The level of uric acid in blood decreased, in the patients suffering from its rise, in 73,68 % of the cases. • The value of urea in blood decreased in 50,7 % of the cases. • Urea levels in blood decreased in 80% of cases having a rise in it. • The glucose level in blood decreased in 83,75 % of the cases, while it remained within its normal limits in the rest. 18- 92,5 % of cases of diabetic patients showed a decrease in glucose value.

Progress in Lipid Profile & Improvement in Mineral functions

• The cholesterol level in the blood became lower in 81,9 % of the cases. • Regarding the patients who had a high value of cholesterol in the blood, the value decreased in 83,6 % of the cases. • The triglyceride level decreased in 75 % of the cases where it was high. • (K) and (Na) ions became normal in 90 % of the cases. • (Ca) ions became normal in 90 % of the cases.

Great Effects on Heart functions and Blood Pressure

• The electrocardiograms showed a great improvement, and graphically there was a return to a normal situation in the segments slide. • CPK decreased in 66,66 % of the cases where it was high. • CPK became normal in 92,4 % of the cases. • In cases of hypertension, the blood pressure decreased to its normal limit. • In cases of hypotension, the blood pressure increased to its normal limit.

Recent Popularity & Upsurge

In parts of Western Europe & the USA, there has been a recent upsurge in interest from both public and academic perspectives. Scientific studies have begun researching (Research on therapies that have been successful for over 5000 years) the effects of Cupping Therapy in an attempt to better understand the mechanisms underpinning this fascinating medical treatment that has truly withstood the test of time. Celebrity endorsements by Professional sports players (Football Players and Olympic Swimmers) through to leading Hollywood actresses have further raised the profile of Cupping Therapy. Example: Sonny Bill Williams undertakes regular Hijama treatment Some Chinese and American schools of medicine teach Cupping Therapy as part of their Complementary Medicine programs. In Germany and England, some Medicine and Health Sciences faculties provide Cupping Therapy as elective modules. Esteemed universities in Turkey are currently conducting Cupping Therapy based research. Currently, the Turkish Ministry of Health is overlooking applications of Cupping Therapy to ensure safety and high-quality standards.

Cupping in the Media

Sonny Bill Williams undertakes regular Hijama treatment.: Olympics and other Athletes using Cupping: National Center for Biotechnology Information, (NCBI) U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM) & National Institute of Health (NIH), UJSA. “A study of cupping therapy as migraine treatment reported it was effective in the treatment of headache and migraine, with mean headache severity decreased by 66% following WCT” “WCT was found to be an effective treatment of migraine. The effect on MIDAS, VAS, and the number of attacks was significantly better when the application was made in the second half of the month compared to those made in the first half.”

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