Preparation for Hijama
What is preferable before you come for Hijama
Fast for at least 2-3 hours prior to your scheduled appointment.
It is HIGHLY recommended that the clients take a shower before coming for treatment.
The person undergoing Hijama is required to sign a consent form upon arrival.
Clients with severe health conditions should consult with their General Practitioner (GP) or registered healthcare professionals prior to their booking for a Hijama (wet cupping).
Please inform us in advance if you take Aspirin or any blood thinner of any strength or quantity.
A full head shave is required for head Hijama before arrival (For MEN only).
Clients could wear comfortable and loose clothing for their own comfort.
Hijama can not be performed while on their period/menstruation (For WOMEN only).
During FEMALE Hijama Session, Men are not allowed inside with them.